Friday 26 March 2021

Isole di Felicità (Laimės salos) di Fabrizio Ulivieri - Edizioni La Rondine

Una storia d'amore ambientata in Lituania, a 
Vilnius nella capitale in un mondo che sta cercando ancora di venire fuori dal comunismo. La storia di una donna che incontra un uomo e se ne innamora. Lei è piena di sogni ma schiacciata dalle responsabilità. Lui, italiano in esilio dal suo Paese in cerca di un posto in cui ricostruirsi una vita. Sembrano così distanti e invece la passione li travolge. In mezzo una famiglia da costruire, le figlie di lei che stanno crescendo senza di fatto avere un padre, troppo impegnato chissà dove per occuparsi di loro. E la speranza che questo nuovo amore possa in qualche modo rimpiazzarlo. All'indomani del crollo del muro di Berlino l'Europa è ancora culturalmente divisa e nei paesi dell'ex Unione sovietica la vita non è semplice, tra chi cerca di andare avanti e chi invece vorrebbe tornare indietro. In questo clima è davvero difficile, per non dire impossibile trovare delle isole di felicità. Fabrizio Ulivieri, autore toscano residente da molti anni a Vilnius, ci porta in quei luoghi, regalandoci uno spaccato insolito di un Paese che conosciamo poco. Il romanzo, una storia d'amore, diventa qualcosa di più.

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Tuesday 23 March 2021

Figli di una società quietista

Il quietismo, sebbene nessuno ne parli è un male evidente sotto gli occhi di tutti ormai. Il quietismo laico e il quietismo religioso.

Più volte Cristo nei Vangeli ha affermato che non è venuto a portare la pace. Nel passato la chiesa cattolica non è rimasta indifferente davanti al pericolo di essere cancellata da altri popoli invasori, e parlo delle Crociate, di Lepanto, Di Vienna, battaglie memorabili contro gli invasori turchi.

Lo stesso rosario è stato concepito ed usato come una delle più potenti armi spirituali e da certuni chierici veniva portato a sinistra, quasi fosse una spada da sguainare.

E l’Apocalisse infine non è la più grande rappresentazione del conflitto finale e decisivo (in cui probabilmente siamo già immersi) fra le forze del Bene e del Male?

Ma la chiesa cattolica oggi appare tutt'altro, che disposta a difendere se stessa.  

Il quietismo laico è stata una induzione continua dalla fine della Seconda Guerra Mondiale in poi con iniezioni continue di edonismo consumistico e morte di ideologie forti, il cui strumento più solido nel diffonderlo è stato giocato da un apparecchio piazzato all’interno di ogni famiglia italiana, la TV. Il Quietizzatore Assoluto.

Tramite quell’apparecchio si è generata la mancanza di coraggio, la paura della conflittualità, la rimozione del concetto di morte a favore di quello di vita sempre giovane ed eterna. Ci si è posti consenzientemente nelle mani di chi poteva garantire qualsiasi parvenza di vita quieta, erroneamente intesa come pace e protezione da ogni conflitto possibile. Ha spento le menti, ha annullato le coscienze.

Il quietismo ha annullato l’esistenzialismo dostoevskiano in cui l’uomo è sede e conflitto di innumerevoli tensioni provocate dalla coscienza che l’essere umano non è bene ma male in essenza, ha annullato quello camusiano in cui l’assurdo del non capire il senso della vita è stato rimpiazzato dall’indifferenza verso il senso della vita.

E ora si deve risalire la china, si deve andare su a ritroso. Passare attraverso il dolore, questo sconosciuto, attraverso la sofferenza, altrettanto ripudiata dalle coscienze, si devono riammettere parole bandite come conflitto, morte, insicurezza, fame, paura.

Ci si deve di nuovo rendere conto che non può esservi accordo fra gli umani senza sofferenza. Come diceva Hobbes, Covenants, without the sword, are but words and of no strength to secure a man at all.

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Sunday 21 March 2021

Sons of freedom

Many know the word liberty but few can live in the perception of freedom

I am on the verge of...of what?
I cannot Imagine "on what verge of" I am. I have no past and my future is running out.
I am tranquil though. I've never been so tranquil. I even cannot imagine how it can be that I am so tranquil. The world is falling asunder but I am tranquil and I cannot explain precisely why, I am so calm.
Nothing can harm me. Nothing. I feel it. It's in my bones.
Oh God, I love you! Oh Mary, I pray you every day. You changed my life.
How was my life? How did I get to these last days?
I worked all my life and my life was despicable. This is what I remember of my life. My past life. Work and disdain.
I believed in the man, That was my error. I believed in humanity, I believed in equality, in justice, in righteousness, in goodness. Many mistakes and the biggest one was to believe in the man, to believe that the man can be inherently good when it is not.
Too late I have been aware that there is an uncountable number of completely conflicting elements within the man. 
Man broadly speaking is not good by nature is evil by nature. That was the discovery that crucified me for the rest of my life. That was the truth, for my entire life I tried to deny, until the day it was undeniable.
There is a minority that has the power to understand, and it is a different race. They are called "Sons of Freedom". And this race understands that omnia tradita sunt a patre; et nemo novit filium nisi pater, neque patrem quis novit nisi filius. And I knew my father because he knew me, and freedom united us, both. I grew up in a father who knew the freedom he was born in and he gave me the sense of freedom because he was a son of the freedom he grew up in, in a generation of rebels and love for truth. There is no liberty without knowing the truth and there is no truth without living in a state of freedom.

Monday 15 March 2021

The Crusader I



The news surprised him, though.
Mr. Door and Mrs. Door had been found dead in their home without any reason. No break-in, no theft, nothing was missing. Everything was orderly put where it was supposed to be put. Heart-attack? Maybe,
The police and coroners were investigating. So said the radio.
Of course, when he heard the news, he was sitting in his office working and the news gave him a powerful internal happiness. Of course, it was something he hoped for. Something he had waited for so long.
Two less, he thought. And he was happy.
Something has started. He thought again with a smile of satisfaction. But he was surprised, nevertheless. His words had been listened? He believed so, but he still had hard time to believe it.
They were not humanity, they were aa scam. They did not deserve to live. They died. And it was what they deserved.
He watched the garden outside the office window. It was February tenth. His birthday. That was a great present made by a great donor.
He liked watching the street from above, behind the steamed-up glasses of the window, from the third floor of his office.
It was like fluctuating above the passers-by, who kept alerted their attention on where they had to put the feet along the sidewalk. The ice was insidious. It had snowed between 3:00 and 4:00 pm. And it was very cold out there.

He was invisible, he watched without being watched. It was being dead. And he liked being a dead man. There was a freedom in it. There was a subtle tell in it that spoke of another world.

Luke lately had made himself a monk to gain holiness, to gain more power.

Just when you are holy you have the power to ask and obtain. That was what he learned soon, from the very beginning.

He remembered that vision. A woman of light offering him an iron sword.

And now it wore that weapon on his left, ready to be unsheathed like a sword. That weapon was given for the first time to Saint Dominic when she appeared to him.

He understood that he had in his hands the most powerful of all the weapons of the planet earth. He could fight being along in his battle, in communion with the greatest centre of energy imaginable. Ever.

Mr Door was found sat in front of his computer. No signs on his body.
Mrs Door dead on the toilet bowl
No evidence of murder. They just were in their pyjamas—expensive silk pajamas and negligees.

The only anomalous thing that had been detected was a persistent aroma of rose, that remained even after opening all the windows. And there were no roses in the house. No roses in the huge park surrounding the house. It was winter. It was very cold. The lake before the house was iced.

The death of the couple was raising discussion about the causes. In the beginning, the police suspected them of having committed suicide but in the end, they couldn't find any valid reason for their death.

The Media were flooded by news about their death. It had become a global subject.

Mr Door and his lady were full-time philanthropists. They liked to be called philanthropists. They had invested billions in philanthropy. They did what they did for humankind's sake.

Through their foundation, they made billionaire investments in helping people all over the world. They both acted as a messiah. Their principal purpose was to save the world from a cataclysmic disaster. Above all preserve humanity from infectious diseases and pandemics. The world, the entire planet had defined them, heroes and saviours of human gender.

Luke would have never envisioned this happened. But it did happen. It had truly happened.

About anxiety and dreaming spirits

Only dreaming spirits are anxious because they are full of Spirit. Are animals full of spirit? Are stupid people full of spirit? Children a...