Mi chiedo spesso che sia lo spirito. L'anima indefinita idea, pensavo. Ma poi guardo te nel tuo vivo empito Gli occhi, la bocca, le mani muovi Come pieghi il collo inclini la testa Unica e irripetibile tu provi che tu sei tu e non un' altra sei. Non è questo lo spirito per cui siamo quello che siamo? Oh miei dèi non è questa la figura dell' anima che trascende se stessa e si mostra agli occhi del mondo a sé prossima?
The Church Fathers and Doctors of the Church had one enduring method: the seamless comparison between the experienced reality of the saeculum and the reality of God's Kingdom. This was a continuous inspection of the reality of the saeculum through the sieve of the City of God. This process was carried out with the assistance of the Gospel, Holy Scriptures, and prophecies. Today, this method has largely disappeared. Only a small number of priests still examine reality through the sieve of God's Word, Holy Scriptures, and prophecies. As far as I am aware, Don Minutella is one of the few who continues to perpetuate this method. I do not know of any other priests who share this perspective. Because this method has faded—in large part due to a centuries-long campaign orchestrated by the cooperatores mali (the Enlightenment, Nihilism, Idealism, Modernism, Scientism, and ultimately Globalism and Transhumanism)—the innate capacity to listen to God's Word has been eradicated...